Mr Arkwright was a project designed by artist, Jo Fairfax. We worked with Jo from his design concept and models to make this design a reality.

Art Installation, Mixed Material

Mr Arkwright, Working Drawing

Working Drawing, Art Installation Cromford Mill

Will with perspex tube on install

install, Cromford Mill

Kelvin on install at Cromford Mill

Fabrication, Mr Arkwright

Public art installation, Jo Fairfax

Water mechanism, Jo Fairfax

Astrolabe, 2018
This project was installed in 2019 on ‘The Celebrity Edge, Cruise Ship’. Made from solid brass and featuring several different components both hand made and machine cut, This design was intended to fill an open stairwell space with light and create a powerful feature artwork.


Brass Astrolabe Installed

Brass Astrolabe installed on Celebrity Edge

Astrolabe, full view

Astrolabe, light reflections

Art Installation, Celebrity Edge

Perspex, Celestial dial

Perspex, Celestial Dial, Fibre optics

Light, Art installation

installatrion, cruise ship, Celebrity Edge

Sand Dollars, 2018
This design was made and installed on ‘ The Celebrity Edge’ and features over 400 individual cast Sand dollars. We managed this project from design through to installation. Made from resin and marble powder and finished with gold leaf, paint and lacquer, this eye catching piece, adds a touch of elegance to the façade of the ship.
Sand Dollars, Install
Celebrity Edge Ship
Late night, fitting
Sandollars, Install, close up
Sand Dollars, Front view
Sandollars, sun lit
Sand dollars, shadows
Sand dollars, evening light
Layout, cruise ship install
layout, cruise ship install
layout, shells